Kettlebell Package - Kettlebells and Storage (3xKBS525 plus 3xGDKR100)
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Kettlebells, Kettlebells, Kettlebells!
1,525lbs of Kettlebells with Storage Racks at an affordable price. This package includes 3 complete kettlebell sets and 3 storage racks to keep your exercise area organized, efficient, and safe.
Package includes:
- 3 each of 5lb, 10lb, 15lb, 20lb, 25lb, 30lb, 35lb, 40lb, 45lb, 50lb, 55lb, 60lb, 65lb, 70lb Cast Iron Kettlebells
- 3 2-tier kettlebell storage racks
Kettlebell Features:
- Cast iron with a tough, black, enamel finish.
- Handles on heavier kettlebells are large enough to accommodate both hands.
- Handle are steel reinforced for durability.
- All Kettlebells have a 2-year guarantee
- 3 complete sets of 14 kettlebells: 5lb, 10lb, 15lb, 20lb, 25lb, 30lb, 35lb, 40lb, 45lb, 50lb, 55lb, 60lb, 65lb, 70lb
Kettlebell Rack Features:
- Can be placed against any wall or centered in a room
- Heavy gauge steel with all-4-side welded construction is deburred inside and out for user safety
- Width: 23" Height:33" Length:44 ½" Weight: 79 Lb.
Warranty: Commercial
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