High Intensity Interval Training - HIIT Equipment
Cross training, CrossFit, and other high intensity interval training (HIIT) programs have revolutionized the exercise industry with a broad range of functional exercises that are performed in short bursts of time. CrossFit is a registered trademark of CrossFit, Inc. These types of programs allow athletes to increase strength and endurance while keeping things interesting with a wide variety of exercises and routines. We carry all of the items that you need to ensure your are ready for a workout session or CrossFit's workout out of the day or WOD. Our catalog includes both basic and extended equipment including bumper plates, rowing machines, battle ropes, climbing ropes, speed cable ropes, sand bags, slam balls, wall balls, kettlebells, gymnastic rings, plyo boxes, chin up bars, glute ham developers, squat racks, and more. Find what you need for these hot fitness trends at American Fitness.